Using Node.js Agents - Uploading git commit logs
Using Node.js Agents - Uploading git commit logs
If you do not work with GitHub or cannot provide access to the source folder where the Git logs are located, you can generate them on your own and upload them separately to the SeaLights servers.
See 'Generating an Agent token' for instructions on how to generate a token
Generating the commit reports
The file must be a JSON file with an array of commits named "commitLog
Sample command on Linux
echo "{ \"commitLog\": " > commitLog.json
git log --pretty=format:'{"commit": "%H","authorName": "%an","authorEmail": "%ae","commiterName": "%cn","commiterEmail": "%ce","authorDate": "%at000","commiterDate": "%ct000","title": "%f"},' --since="2 days ago" | sed "$ s/,$//" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\r\n\([^{]\)/\\n\1/g'| awk 'BEGIN { print("[") } { print($0) } END { print("]") }' >> commitLog.json
echo "}" >> commitLog.json
Upload git-generated commit log reports
Sample command for a single file
npx slnodejs uploadReports --tokenfile /path/to/sltoken.txt --buildsessionidfile buildSessionId --reportFile commitLog.json --type "commitLog" --source "script"
call npx slnodejs uploadReports --tokenfile \path\to\sltoken.txt --buildsessionidfile buildSessionId --reportFile commitLog.json --type "commitLog" --source "script"
See 'Node.js Command Reference - Upload report files' for full parameter details
See 'Using Node.js Agents - Uploading multiple files' for information on how to upload multiple files