Running Tests using Karma test framework

Running Tests using Karma test framework

Gathering coverage and test information using the SeaLights Node.js Test Listener is done in a few steps:

See 'Generating an Agent token' for instructions on how to generate a token

Starting the Test Listener

First the SeaLights server needs to be notified that a test stage is starting.

Unix: npx slnodejs start --tokenfile /path/to/sltoken.txt --buildsessionidfile buildSessionId --teststage "Unit Tests" Windows: call npx slnodejs start --tokenfile \path\to\sltoken.txt --buildsessionidfile buildSessionId --teststage "Unit Tests"

See 'Node.js Command Reference - Starting a test stage' for full parameter details

Running your tests

Functional Tests

Before running your functional tests you need to set up the backend server to receive the test footprints. See 'Using Node.js Agents - Running backend server using SeaLights agent'

Once set up you now run your tests normally while generating one or more JUnit xml result files to be reported to the SeaLights server.

Unit Tests

In order to report the test and coverage information to SeaLights you need to run the karma tests while producing coverage information and a JUnit results file.

Upload coverage report files

Once done running the unit tests you upload the coverage report files to the SeaLights server using the nycReport option

Unix: npx slnodejs nycReport --tokenfile /path/to/sltoken.txt --buildsessionidfile buildSessionId Windows: call npx slnodejs nycReport --tokenfile \path\to\sltoken.txt --buildsessionidfile buildSessionId

Upload test results report files

Once done running the tests you upload the test results file to the SeaLights server using the uploadReports option

Unix: npx slnodejs uploadReports --tokenfile /path/to/sltoken.txt --buildsessionidfile buildSessionId --reportFile junit.xml Windows: call npx slnodejs uploadReports --tokenfile \path\to\sltoken.txt --buildsessionidfile buildSessionId --reportFile junit.xml

Ending the Test Stage

Finally the server needs to be notified that a test stage has ended.

Sample command


Running unit tests using Jest

Below, a sample script running the Unit Tests while instrumenting for client side coverage on Unix: